
cat and a clothesline

O, allergies. Most certainly worse than that, though, as these are cold symptoms on a moderately unpleasant level. I spent the evening helping my friends move in to their new place, which is awesome, and worked exclusively on fitting a very large amount of things into not enough cabinet space. I'm probably only halfway finished, but it was a bit exhausting, especially with the constant tickle in my nose or painful, unstoppable sneezing.

I did use a netty pot, which helped clear my sinuses briefly, but not permanently, and I took several Airborne allergy tabs and some sinus meds. No avail, I'm still runny.

It's funny, I worked with germy little kids all week and felt my sore throat coming on. Now that I've got a weekend to have fun in my favorite Arizona city, I'm stupid sick!

Problem with having a cat and no dryer means cat hair lingers on nearly every surface, and I with my allergies am having a little trouble with that, too. Luckily, my lint remover can pull off some of the cat hair on the couches, and the floor is tiled so I can sweep this week and get a little more relief.

It's so difficult to think beyond these symptoms, too. I can barely focus on what I'm going to do for work all week. I ought to go to bed, and try to feel better. Ouch.

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