
facing East

So it's as up and down as ever, but I suppose I just need to batten my hatches and stop making every little issue into such a very large obstacle to overcome. It hardly appears to me that I am in the midst of a great opportunity, but I am actually trying harder than I was during my first week back here in town to appreciate the flexibility of my present situation.

That being said, I am hunting around for entry-level jobs, more or less. Just now, actually, I filled out an application for manager at a popular salon/cosmetics store. I'm completely qualified and I believe I could hack it. But yesterday I picked up an application for a popular coffee chain, where the people working there were incredibly friendly and fun. I'm also applying with a nearby school district as a guest teacher, which could very well be the most solid opportunity for work I can find. I've been determined but perhaps not entirely diligent in the job quest.

I also found a very promising opportunity to teach English in Korea for a year. I can go at any time as long as I can commit to the full 12-month contract, so I wouldn't really want to leave until January (because two of my very best friends will be wed in December). This leaves me with five months to try and figure out some sort of income, but I want to do it, and I think I really will. It's such an excellent chance to travel the world, most notably to Japan and around east Asia.

Since I am still employed on a very partial basis as a caretaker in Tucson, and so occasionally I may take hours and drive down there to work and also see my friends, my dog, and the man I love. Quite a clear motive? And at the moment, next weekend and the 22 hours I managed to find are the only guaranteed income I have.

And that's that. I'm just trucking along.

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