
chillin' in a hot tub

I'm in Truth or Consequences, NM.

To be frank, I've been cooling my heels in the hot springs at the Riverbend Hot Springs hostel, off on the east side of this little town. I've been here since Monday afternoon, since Richard dropped me off. He went off to Denver to deal with the rental car insurance (entirely HIS mistake) and put me up here because I absolutely refused to go to with him on that 13-hour drive one way. It's just not part of my volunteer job description. I could go up and down about why I feel justified in standing my ground, but let's just say I still felt a little guilty that he had to make that long trip himself.

But I read an entire mystery novel ("Orchid Beach" by Stuart Woods) that I found in the common area of the women's dorm, I've sat in the hot springs every evening (it's too hot during the day to sit in 107-degree water), and I've had PRIVACY!!

Everybody here, like at most of the hostels I've stayed at on this trek, is awesome. Nobody is too uptight for a relaxed conversation about whatever pleases them, and if they are, then there's always somebody else who's up for talking. There's AC in the dorm room, I only have one roommate who really prefers to keep to herself, and I've got all the time to myself I want. Glorious.

I even saw bats last night! That's always nice.

Two weeks from today I'll be on a bus on my way HOME HOME HOME HOME!!!

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