
past the quarter mark

Today I am 26 years old. It is the most surreal birthday I have ever had, and I've been awake only an hour. I'm in a foreign land with new things to get used to and far away from all my family and friends. I'm kind of sick, too, probably because the air quality and just getting some kind of bronchitis/throat thing. I did my hair in a pretty style, put on some gorgeous jewelry my mom got me for my birthday several years ago, and am listening to a wonderfully nostalgic Caustic Window album (Katie brought that back for me from Carlsbad when we were sophomores in high school, I think!).

Last night I learned how to use my washer for the first time. I also realized that hanging my clothes up on the drying racks with a standing fan still takes ages for them to dry if it's going to RAIN the next day! So damp is it that my clothes may well still be sudsing as I speak.

Two days ago I took a cab to get my Employment Health Certificate. Going through the process of my physical exam was very easy, but after sifting through waves of hundreds of people, I essentially retreated into myself and began to fret. Well, I have the certificate now, and need to apply to the Immigration office for a card, which should take an additional week. I need to have that done within 90 days of arriving here, so I'm actually really glad that they had me get started so soon.

I unpacked everything and put it in its proper spot. This was a milestone, because I've been psychologically paralyzed since I got here. Also, I thought I would be more relieved than I am, and am suffering a great deal of insomnia. I don't understand why my neighbors upstairs are noisy at ALL HOURS of the night! They are always talking or walking or running water or closing doors! For an insomniac, this is wretched. But the practiced deep breathing eventually leads me to sleep, and then I sleep solidly. Oddly, my mattress is incredibly firm, possibly as much so as the floor itself with perhaps a pad for a bit of springiness, and yet it is surprisingly comfortable! My first week here, when I was sleeping really well, that mattress was my best friend.

This week, it is television and Internet. I feel connected to the world again! I can keep track of things, I can look things up, and I can tap the vast resource of Internet knowledge any time I please! This is all very important for a lonely girl.

Time for breakfast!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Amanda-
Try to Enjoy yourself- you'll get into the swing of things soon enough ;)


BirdEtt said...

Oh this was so fun to read! I can't wait until we can send you a letter. Address please... we'll have to send you a keepsake from the wedding and some pictures. XOXO. Miss you and hope that things ease in for you and you're enjoying all of the new scenery... and sounds:)