
cat and a clothesline

O, allergies. Most certainly worse than that, though, as these are cold symptoms on a moderately unpleasant level. I spent the evening helping my friends move in to their new place, which is awesome, and worked exclusively on fitting a very large amount of things into not enough cabinet space. I'm probably only halfway finished, but it was a bit exhausting, especially with the constant tickle in my nose or painful, unstoppable sneezing.

I did use a netty pot, which helped clear my sinuses briefly, but not permanently, and I took several Airborne allergy tabs and some sinus meds. No avail, I'm still runny.

It's funny, I worked with germy little kids all week and felt my sore throat coming on. Now that I've got a weekend to have fun in my favorite Arizona city, I'm stupid sick!

Problem with having a cat and no dryer means cat hair lingers on nearly every surface, and I with my allergies am having a little trouble with that, too. Luckily, my lint remover can pull off some of the cat hair on the couches, and the floor is tiled so I can sweep this week and get a little more relief.

It's so difficult to think beyond these symptoms, too. I can barely focus on what I'm going to do for work all week. I ought to go to bed, and try to feel better. Ouch.


smoothing out

I'm staying in Tucson at my friend Jenny's house for just over a week while she is in Europe. This helps both of us immensely; I get to be in Tucson and work down here (even though I do have a job in Phoenix, finally) and just be here in this city that i LOVE, and she has the peace of mind that her house and pets are being cared for. And, she has cable TV and wireless Internet, so I lucked out big time. :)

Today I'm helping my friends move into their new place, and luckily they're pretty much finished with the majority of the process. I can't wait to see their new place! They've lived in the same apartment the whole time I've known them, which is pushing on five years, so this new place is going to be a huge change. Plus, it's nice to have a fresh start in a fresh place as newlyweds, in my opinion.

I like it here, I'm very satisfied, but my allergies have been so bad this week that now my sinuses feel strained and raw, so I fear I'm going to catch a cold! Sigh.

But I'm here all week so I'm going to stop here and write more when I'm thinking more clearly.


young and restless

I've spent almost a week in Tucson, working every single day, because I got lucky and someone offered me lots of hours including almost 8 hours of overtime pay. Certainly I can't get away with driving down to Tucson to work every week or two, because the price of fuel, my obligations at home, and straining a very gracious hostess for her spare room. She did actually offer to pay me to come down for the first week of September while she is out of the country to tend to her critters. I think I may very well do just that (although there is no earthly way I will let her pay me to stay in her house). I might even look for training classes with my company, just because one of my buddies who supervises in the company knows just how to get quick, easy hours for staff.

So, in short, I'll make just enough money on this Friday's paycheck to afford my gasoline back home, conceivably with a few extra dollars to spare for two weeks until my next check. It's entirely possible to survive on that; I've had less to work with these days and that could just be the ticket to surviving this personal recession. It will be a glorious day when this penny-pinching can all come to an end, and I can reimburse those wonderful people who have made my financial troubles less troublesome.

Oh and it's such a pain to have my mother constantly badgering me about getting a job in Phoenix, when I'm more set on going to Korea than ever, and now as soon as mid-October. Pounding the pavement in a city I absolutely LOATHE for a menial entry-level part-time position when I have TWO ready and willing jobs here in Tucson is incredibly disheartening. I don't wanna do it, no sir. I feel so stupid trying to convince potential employers that my credentials are what they want, since I know I'd be a phenomenal employee and so far nobody believes me. What's the use?!

I do get to take Yoshi home to Phoenix with me, which should brighten my mood there a bit. I'm only keeping him until I leave the States, and then he's going to be with Toby for the next twelve months. There was some completely useless drama associated with that, and I figured I'd have to kidnap my own dog, but time resolved the matter, and the two of us are heading up on Friday.

I'll probably elaborate later on. Now I'm meeting a buddy for coffee.